Monday, August 12, 2019

Article on Micro vs. Macro Learning in Workplace Training.

In Goyettes article he explained the importance of utilzing both Micro & Macro learning in the workplace: (See link above and MLA reference at the end of this blog post.) Here is his statement on using both types of learning in the workplace. Following his quote is my reference of how I have used Micro and Macrolearning in my job.

Use Both Approaches for Maximum Effect
"Both micro and macro learning are valid approaches to training and development in the workplace, and they are best used in conjunction with each other. For example, when learning time management skills, employees might be able to pick up a few tips and tricks through micro learning by reading articles or lists, but these are often only quick fixes that don’t last in the long term or they don’t provide enough information to fully develop new time management skills. On the other hand, if employees learn the larger concepts of time management through macro learning but do not have the reinforcements of micro learning tactics, they are not as likely to apply their new skills and change behaviors. Using both approaches in tandem allows you to teach larger concepts, support retention, and encourage the application of new skills for lasting behavior change." - written by Paul Goyette in his cited article on website.

Photo by Pixabay, View of a Row - Uploaded at 19 Dec 11:36

To relate to my last post on the two types of learning I will expand my points to include an actual workplace experience and how these relate to a project I worked on.

I was tasked with doing the Email marketing design for my companies Creative Services Department. The project included these tasks that I had to use Micro and Macro learning to achieve my goals. 

Email Marketing was new to the department and I was asked to use a traditional print layout created by our remote Art Director and also had to take into account our creative services managers opinion, the clients customer service rep. at our company and my opinion as a digital designer to have the project mobile first. While I was only listening to how the project was being asked to be created and take in to account everyones input. I chose to use Micro and Macrolearning and testing to complete the projects. As these were ongoing projects and might get more complicated as we go and did I was glad I did both of these types of learning to be prepared. My manager and the outside art director could use Microlearning to be able to communicate what they wanted and learn about what was possible for responsive email designs for IOS and Android best practices. This could expand into Macrolearning for future projects or if they were also starting to do the actual Email designs. But for the beginning projects I was jumping in right away so I used Microlearning to check-up on my Email HTML skills and Macrolearning for future and ongoing projects. 

I feel this relates to Goyette's article that states both types of learning are beneficial in a workplace scenario. I was using both because I was ultiimately responsible for completing the projects successfully right away. Vs. the other employees needing to communicate their goals for the project (thus using Microlearning to be able to direct me on the projects with digital lingo) to me and then in the future keep adding to their skills too. 

Micro vs. Macro Learning in Workplace Training
In-text: (Goyette, July 31, 2018)

Your Bibliography: Goyette, P. (2019). Micro vs. Macro Learning in Workplace Training. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Aug. 2019].