Micro vs Macro Learning Microlearning - A Post about both types of learning:
Micro vs Macro Learning Microlearning is something that is great for someone who is in an industry such as Instructional Design. If you need to stay current in your skills you can use small microlearning resources. These might include YouTube, TedTalks, Meetups or Webinars. I participate in all of these options. While it is important to know how to obtain a skill from PT. A-Z for some projects sometimes you do not have the time to become an expert but if you can partake in microlearning you can get a good start and expand your skills with further learning and time. Also if you are managing a project and need to be knowledgeable but do not have to know exactly how to complete a project this is a good way to guide other learners or workers. Check out the next page for Macrolearning applications. (See 3 pages below attached designed from this paper).
Macrolearning is something that is great for someone who is in an industry such as Graphic Design. You might need to learn how to do something from beginning to end and how to utilize the learning into an actual task. This might be like your boss saying hey we need to start creating email marketing. While you might not have time to learn everything you can utilize Macrolearning to take entire courses online on a site like Lynda.com or on an email service provider. You might not only need to know how to create and design the emails but how to deploy, manage your lists and how to track subscribes. So you need to go into more indepth learning and know how to actually perform these tasks. If you are the one doing this task you would use Macro vs. if you were directing someone you might use microlearning to get an over-view how to consult.